
It was my first time for working as an IEEEXtreme Ambassador for the 2016 IEEEXtreme programing competition. It was a quite good experience to share with you all. First we all discussed in the Facebook community by introducing ourselves to each other who were being worked as ambassadors to the leads and also newly appointed ambassadors.

After our self-introductions, we all step on to the track of being awareness about IEEE, IEEEXtreme and how value to us by competing and having an IEEE Student membership. Since IEEEXtreme team celebrating their 10th anniversary they planned do it bigger and better. In the beginning, we all provided useful materials such as presentations and flyers. Then we call upon to provide such useful materials and one of our ambassadors provided a short video which was really useful for all for us. For the communication purposes, a friend proposed to use WhatsApp which can be easily contact with anyone eventually lead us to create one and we all took part in there. It was an easy method for us but somewhat annoying too but we got updated with the latest news on competition.

As a Student Branch, we made a plan how we are going to do this in this year. First, we had an overall awareness program about topics like What is IEEE? What will you have? We mainly focused on IEEE Day and IEEEXtreme. We delivered two consecutive day sessions about programming and how to program by using python language and few months later we hosted a competition which was very similar to IEEEXtreme named as PreXtreme 1.0 most closely to IEEEXtreme competition date. Then we rearranged a meeting for making awareness to our junior batch and explained the importance of competing at IEEEXtreme competition and also about the benefits that they can gain through IEEE membership. I opened our registrations and collected information about them in order to have the count and also to facilitate the places, food and beverages to participants and most importantly for allocating the proctors to the participating teams.

Each and every day I checked the list and got updated with the count of registrations, whether they have IEEE accounts or not. Day by day total number of teams from our student branch was getting increased. When it exceeded the 100th registration I asked from our leaders whether we have sufficient proctors due to the rising number of teams. I would like to thank Prashanth, Sangarm, Subodha and Hasala for helping us by providing proctors and being proctors. We made the highest number of teams as 109 by our branch itself. It was our highest participation as a student branch.

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We conducted few sessions based on algorithms and introduction to algorithms before the competition as pre-planned. I was able to find couple of sponsors to host the event since we planned to provide Food and Beverages to the participants. We were able to provide food for all participants in four breaking times within the 24 hours and Nescafe as a drink throughout the day. Since the competition is overnight drinks like Nescafe was needed to for them to be stay refreshed.

In the competition day, it was really busy with managing the stuff and looking over all the facilities needed to the participants. It was one of the toughest period I ever had so far. Somehow I could be able to manage the situation without any single complaint. I visited every halls and labs to check whether how they are competing, how proctors are helping to them and what they needed in order code for all 24 hours. By doing all that things I managed to compete IEEEXtreme but I was able to focus the competition after 8pm and I was able to solve 2 or 3 questions and that was not an easy task for me anyway it was a good experience though.

By this volunteering program I got an opportunity to expand my network with all other fellow members and also to join in and volunteer for global competitions and get more experiences.

The followings are the top 10 results from our student branch in IEEEXtreme 2016.

Team Student Branch Country Region World
Morpheus 1 7 66 195
threadsafe 2 9 68 198
Raconteurs 3 21 99 259
CrazyKAP 4 22 100 263
BigOoh 5 25 105 276
TeamMatX 6 27 111 289
TeamBigO 7 39 133 338
Worm1068 8 40 134 342
fourLoop 9 46 147 375
CyptoXtreme 10 49 153 392

At last I wish all the winning teams and all other participants and also I invite all the other people those who didn’t participated to the competition to come and feel the experience of 24 hour over night coding.

All the photos Copyrights are owned by UCSC Pahasara Student Blog.